You have identified a need to improve your company's results and know that one of our programs will suit your needs.

So, why choose URI?

  • We dedicate employees specifically to the project.
  • All work is completed by permanent employees of URI Information Services, no third party or temporary employees contact your policyholders.
  • Unlike an in-house program, vacations or sick days will not interrupt the program or create scheduling problems for you.
  • Extended weekday and weekend hours and our Midwest location create added convenience for your customers. Additionally, our location allows us to service clients from coast to coast.
  • Appointments to speak with your policyholders can be set that is convenient for their schedule.
  • Outsourcing allows you to predict your staffing levels and project budgets more accurately. You do not need to add or reduce staff as projects begin and end.
  • Custom designed programs that suit your needs. Due to our organization's top down "Customer First" attitude, we are able to work closely with our clients.
  • Neutral agents gathering information produce unbiased results. Additionally, customers are more candid with an independent, impartial contact.
  • URI has developed an efficient means of distributing data and information. Production of status reports gives you up-to-date current information on the project.

In business since 1961, our expert staff knows what works and what works well. Put our information gathering expertise to work for you--- gathering current usable information is our mission!